Kindness is the act of speaking or behaving in a way that shows caring and love. You can be kind to people, places or things. Kindness is love in action.
Random acts of kindness is a movement that began in the 80’s. Since then millions of acts of kindness has transformed people and communities. We believe kindness will heal the world. Each day we are focusing on offering deliberate acts of kindness and posting our experiences on our Facebook page or here on our blog. Would you like to join us? We invite everyone who receives an act of kindness to pay it forward by offering our ‘Kindness Card’ (free from our yoga class or website). Random acts of kindness make the world a better place. If someone wishes to repay you for your kindness, ask them to ‘pay it forward’ instead, so that others may experience the ripple of your good intentions. Ideas for Random acts of Kindness 1. Smile at people 2. Open the door for a stranger 3. Offer to help others in anyway you can 4. Phone someone who is lonely 5. Post a note to a loved one about how much they mean to you 6. Help a parent with their gardening/shopping/chores 7. Hug a friend (who likes hugs) 8. Pay a compliment 9. Looks for things in people that you like, and then tell them what you see 10. Look for virtues in people and tell them how you saw it 11. Go through all your ‘stuff’ that you don't need, use or love, and gift it 12. Re-gift unwanted gifts 13. Babysit or Petsit 14. Send a thank you note to someone every day 15.Take your dog, or another dog for a walk 16. Buy some pet food and donate it to your local animal shelter 17. Volunteer at the local animal shelter 18. Volunteer at the local service for homeless people 19. Protect the environment and speak up for it’s safety 20. Protect children and show them love 21. Volunteer at your local school 22. Protect the weaker members of society by speaking up on their behalf and offering eye contact with a smile 23. Say hello to someone you wouldn’t normally speak to 24. Invest in yourself to let go of prejudicial thoughts or actions 25. Support services that protect the vulnerable 26. Teach others your skills at a local community centre 27. Cook a meal as a gift 28. Use your manners; please, thank you, and sorry, are words that ease transactions and help others feel valued 29. Pick up rubbish 30. Give a friend a massage 31. Be kind to people you don’t like 32. Forgive yourself for whatever it is you think you’ve done wrong; all humans make mistakes; forgive yourself and let go of the pain 33. Be an interested listener 34. Ask someone about themselves 35. Make kindness bookmarks and share them with your friends 36. Share your stuff 37.Take a gift with you and then give it away at random 38. Donate blood 39. Invite someone to use your services without expectation of anything in return 40.Giveaway useful items that you no longer use 41. Ask your employees ‘what do you need’ and brainstorm about ways to achieve it 42. Take yourself out on a fun date (be kind to yourself) 43. Buy a friend a cup of coffee 44. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee 45. Pay the toll for a friend or stranger 46. Pay the parking for another car 47. Read a child a story 48. Donate food or personal care items for your local homeless shelter 49. Buy items that support fairtrade and developing countries 50. Send flowers to a loved one 51. Send flowers to someone you forgive 52. Send me your idea to put in this space... Please post your random acts of kindness here, or on our Facebook page Kindness cards are free from our yoga class, or from our website Art by |
About MonicaGreetings. I am a yoga teacher, author and artist. Blogs by Monica
Growing Emotional Intelligence Archives
April 2018