Growing Self-Esteem through Yoga and Emotional Intelligence
Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. When you believe in your capabilities, and believe you have the right to be treated with respect and kindness, you have high self-esteem.
If you believe you don’t really matter, or that it’s okay if people are unkind to you, then your self-esteem may be low.
People who have experienced difficulties can often experience low self-esteem, especially if they think the experience might have been their fault; that they are somehow to blame.
Children with low self-esteem may experience shame and blame, and adopt this mantra as their truth.
Children with high self-esteem understand that bad things happen, but they will be okay, it isn’t their fault, and they are still worthy and capable.
Self-esteem can vary and is capable of change at any age. Finding and seeking opportunities to acknowledge trust, faith, self-care, self-love and kindness in children will help them internalise these virtues and raise self-esteem.
When children raise their self-esteem they learn more easily, are kinder to others, and increase their ability to think outside the box (divergently).
Everyone deserves a chance to build self-esteem and build a happy life.
With high self-esteem and self-belief, you can set goals and realise your dreams
Victory pose is the stance you take when you feel like a winner. Arms stretched up and out, feet wide, heart open and lifting up to the sky. You’re super excited and shouting for joy. Imagine you’ve just succeeded in your Great Big Goal. That’s what Victory pose feels like. Put yourself in Victory pose and feel like a winner. You’ve done it. You’ve achieved your goal. You are a champion. Hooray!!!
Ask children to think of their goal (their Great Big Goal, or a little one, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s exciting to them). And then put them into Victory pose and ask them to imagine they’ve done it! Imagine your own goal too. Shout hooray, get excited, feel it, be it, imagine it, touch it.
This pose will uplift and generate motivation to reach your highest dreams.
Booklet - 'All About Me'
Help children build self-esteem by helping them learn who they are, what they like, and how they feel. During the process of creating this book, children will be acknowledged for all of their virtues (even the ones they show in tiny amounts). This will help children build an internal image of himself or herself as someone who is seen for all the wonderful things they are
A short activity designed to help children connect with one another, and see each other for their character and unique qualities.
How to use affirmations to help children build self-esteem and reach their goals.
Coloring in pages, Self-Esteem title for room, how to acknowledge virtues, how to do the yoga pose and all printables.
This is an emotional intelligence program to boost your child’s self-love, and expand your child’s ability to learn.
Creating neuroplastic change through movement and activities.
Including empowering language with the practise of yoga, the mindful breath, focus, strength, and flexibility.
Benefits for Children
• Overcome the learning difficulties that relate to stress or self-esteem
• Confidence
• Children’s ability to relate and connect to others will improve
• Bullies will build empathy
• Timid children will stand up for themselves
• Strength and flexibility
Emotional Intelligence was first recognized by Daniel Goleman, and is considered the most important aspect of development for children to realize their full potential.
The five aspects of Emotional Intelligence are
• Motivation
• Self-esteem
• Social skills
• Self-awareness
• Self-regulation
• Empathy
Virtue and Yoga posture of the week, is fun, meaningful and will help your children build a reservoir of emotional intelligence that will benefit the child for his or her entire life.
Written and Illustrated by Yoga teacher, author and artist Monica Batiste
You will receive two eBooks at 15 pages each. A description of Self-Esteem and some activities to grow self-esteem including a yoga posture and colouring in pages. All About Me is a booklet for you to create with your children on various aspects about themselves that you can identify and acknowledge.