You think you're doing all-right and then BAM, you topple over.
Balancing in life is the same as in yoga - you've got to stay focused to achieve your goals. Balance in life When you have balance in your life, you have enough time to do all of the things you want and need to do. You can balance your time between working, studying, and playing with friends. You can balance your studies between hobbies and school. You can balance any area of your life. You will know if you are on track with life-balance by how you feel. When you are doing the things you need and want to do, and maintaining good health and a happy disposition; you are balanced. If you are constantly sick, or feel stressed, tired, and cranky; take a look at what is out of balance and take steps to correct it. Balance in Yoga Yoga gives you insight to how you are balancing life, by how well you balance your body. If you cannot stop thinking about other things during a balance, then this is an indication that you are not focused in life. If you keep losing your balance, chances are you are losing balance in life. If you can stay focused and calm during a yoga balance, you are on your way to succeeding in this virtue in life. Improve your ability to remain focused in life by practising yoga balances. Assign yourself to maintaining focus, strength and calm. As you practice this in yoga, you will be able to transfer this detail into life. The yoga postures that support balance are; Dancer’s pose; Gum-Tree pose; Panda bear pose; Jabiru pose; Bird pose; Any pose that requires you to lift a supporting hand or foot from the ground will require focus, strength and balance. From Virtues with Yoga Bear by Monica Batiste |
About MonicaGreetings. I am a yoga teacher, author and artist. Blogs by Monica
Growing Emotional Intelligence Archives
April 2018