Began first day at Atelier Art classes today. Model Rebekah will be in the same pose for five hours a session for five weeks. Wow! I am excited about improving my drawing techniques and my painterly techniques. I haven't had a lot of life drawing tuition or painting tuition so I'm hoping this will be the big break I need to become a better artist, So i can paint without going mad about what happens next. Instead of thinking, what colour goes with what and how do you do that? i'll know. or will i? maybe its a guessing game to every artist?
After a short warm up of drawing (which we missed) Rebekah was put into pose and arranged. Scott showed us how to get started then Nick gave us some techniques for 'enveloping' the model and begin structuring the body. we spent at least two hours making marks where the body parts go and the distant between each other. by the end of session one, we had the outline of the body and face. It takes a lot more time in a long pose, but worth it. Looking forward to seeing how my drawings and paintings look in one year. |
About MonicaGreetings. I am a yoga teacher, author and artist. Blogs by Monica
Growing Emotional Intelligence Archives
April 2018